Desktop Computer - Windows XP Pro SP3 - Chatham-Kent - Computers for sale, Accessories for sale, Chatham-Kent - 24949


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Desktop Computer - Windows XP Pro SP3 - Computers for sale, Accessories for sale

Ref. number: 24949 Updated: 26-09-2009 17:57 by Oodle via

Price: 60 CAD $

Offering: Computers for sale, Accessories for sale in Canada, Chatham-Kent

This is a great computer for a student or anybody that needs one. It is refurbished with a fresh install of Windows XP Professional. Hardware: CPU - Intel Pentium III 667 MHz Memory: 512 MB (Upgradeable) 40 GB Harddrive (Brand New / 2 Partitions 25 GB/15 GB) Video Card: ATI Rage XL AGP w/ 8 MB RAM 1.44 MB 3.5" Floppy Drive CD-ROM: Memorex CD-482E DVDRW: Lite-On DVDRW SOHW-1673S Ethernet Card Phone Jack Modem 4 USB Ports - 2 are USB 2.0 Software Included: Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP3 Microsoft Office 2000 Premium Internet Explorer 8 Windows Media Player 11 AVG Free 8.5 (Antivirus) AD-Aware (Spyware Removal) Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 (Internet Browser) Mozilla Thunderbird (Email Software) Power Producer (DVD Editing Software) Power DVD (DVD Viewing Software) Nero Express 6 (DVD/CD Burning Software) - Trial Zone Alarm (Firewall Software - *Not Installed) ***Extra Hardware Available for Extra Price: ***$60 Price is for Above Only***

Details :

  • currency: USD
  • delivery: Local Delivery
  • price_display: USD $60
  • user_id: 13239134

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